Saturday, December 8, 2007


Once upon a time there was a poor child,
with no father and no mother
And everything was dead
And no one was left in the whole world
Everything was dead
And the child went on search, day and night
And since nobody was left on the earth,
he wanted to go up into the heavens
And the moon was looking at him so friendly
And when he finally got to the moon,
the moon was a piece of rotten wood
And then he went to the sun
And when he got there, the sun was a wilted sunflower
And when he got to the stars, they were little golden flies.
Stuck up there, like the shrike sticks 'em on a blackthorn
And when he wanted to go back, down to earth,
the earth was an overturned piss pot
And he was all alone, and he sat down and he cried
And he is there till this day
All alone:
Okay, there's your story!

It was a small miracle Otto lived until two under his fathers care and another small irony that a capture by the Warden actually improved his chances at life. Deiter complained about his retarded son incessantly to anyone who would listen. He griped how Otto had cost him his wife and any happiness he ever had. Till one night a tall stranger asked him, "Why don't you do something about it instead of just bitching all the time." "What can I do?" Deiter asked ready to plundge back in to self pity, "Well, I know a guy who knows a guy, that could help." the stranger responds. "Yeah right, like someone would just steal my retard son if I asked him to." Deiter says in disbelife, "Actually, yes. That's about the long and the short of it." and so it was that little Otto was delivered in to the Wardens care, by treachery of his own blood.

The Briar Patch has many levels. Levels designed for monsters, others designed to incarcerate humans and even a whole level dedicated to the imprisonment of children. It is affectionately refered to as 'The Nursury' by the Nannies who are the Wardens Jailers there. They are the ones that make sure every bed has bugs, every closet has a boogey man and that things really do go bump in the night. The terror of the mob reigns in the Nursury, there are no individual cells as in other parts of the Briar Patch, but large halls filled with children. There are never enough beds to go around. There are never enough bowls for eating either. But there is always enough punishment to go around for not going to bed or sitting down for supper. Worse, are the children themselves. They quickly form gangs of tiny hoodlums to improve their odds at getting fed and avoiding the Nannies wrath. Otto was terribly ill equiped to deal with these situations. His deformity and diminished intellectual capacity prevented him from competeing at the same level witht he other tiny innmates. Hungry and near death young Otto discovered that which would change his life path forever, a body of another child that had been beaten to death the night before. With hunger driving him he sank his teeth in to the soft bruised flesh of the tiny corpse. Otto soon discovered that dead bodies weren't terribly uncommon in the Nursery, and far easier to obtain than the mealy gruel the Nannies served. Fed on this human sustainence Otto began to grow, his sickly frame began reinforcing itself until his crainium wasn't out of proportion any longer, but set atop a thick body many times bigger than a child 8 years old. This fact couldn't be hidden from the Nannies attention and young Otto was soon shipped off to the Pits.

"Wipe him down with gasoline, till his arms are hard and mean. From now on boys this iron pit's your home. So heave away boys. Heave away." the Pit Boss said in peculiar rhyme. "Cross your heart and hope to die when you hear the children cry. Let marrow bone and cleaver choose while making meat for children shoes." he explained obtusely "Through the alley back from Hell when you hear that steeple bell. You must say goodbye to me." Day after day he fought in the pits, and night after night he ate the remains of the losers, growing bigger and meaner as time rolled on. It's hard to say if the Pit Boss bestowed Otto with anything like favoritism, but he was a commodity and thus treated better the better he did in the pit.
One fine day, nearly indistinguishable form any other in the iron pit as Otto was swinging his cleaver through the thigh of a recently defeated champion for the stew pot one of the smiths burst in to the dungeon shouting someting confusing to Otto's ears but it seemed to excite the other Ogres in the pen. Finally, the angry smith marched up to Otto and demanded, "You coming or not you dumb shit?" to which Otto slowly nodded his head, tucked the cleaver in his belt and plodded along behind this little firebrand. The rebellion continued on in the Briar Patch, Otto lending his particular skills in smashing things real good to the cause, smashing his way through the Hedge in the company of a sketchy crew of Leechfinger junkies, Fairest sociopaths and anrchist Wizends, for lack of any oher reason then they told him what to do and don't call him nasty names often.

Now, free of The Warden and his Pit Bosses Otto sticks close to a few of the other inmates that escaped the Hedge in the underworld of Vienna. He works as a butcher in the slaughterhouses by the docks, putting to use his years of cannibalistic expertise with saws and knives. At least people leave him alone there and he gets to eat all the scraps he wants.

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